
Seychelles celebrates its African heritage through FetAfrik

Seychelles is once again celebrating the diversity, contribution and strength of its African heritage and cultural history through FetAfrik 2022.

The official launch of this year’s FetAfrik took place at the National Museum of History yesterday in the presence of President Wavel Ramkalawan, First Lady Linda Ramkalawan, ministers, members of the diplomatic corps and high government officials.

FetAfrik 2022, which coincides with the Africa Day celebrated annually on May 25, was officially launched by the secretary general of the Seychelles National Institute of Culture, Heritage and the Arts, David Andre.

Addressing those present, Mr Andre said Africa Day is an opportunity to celebrate African diversity and success, and to highlight the cultural and economic potential that exists in Africa.

“FetAfrik celebrates the diversity, contribution and the strength of our African heritage and cultural history, left to us by our forefathers that we need to preserve for future generation,” he added.

“At this point, I would like to pay homage to our moutya, which is our direct connection with our African ancestry and proudly inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s list of intangible heritage in December 2021.”

Mr Andre stated that the past two years have been very challenging especially for people working in the cultural industry, but at the same time we have been reminded of the importance of culture for our well-being.

“The importance of culture for society is fundamental. The right to freely take part in the cultural life of the community and to enjoy the arts is manifested in the universal declaration of human rights as enshrined in our constitution,” he added.

Using the arts as a tool to join the local and global conversation is paramount for our institution, he added.

During the ceremony, the director general for Regional Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism Steve Lalande delivered an extract from the AU message for Africa Day.

“As we intellectually and ceremoniously interact with our African heritage, let us also be aware of the opportunities that our continent offers. By reducing trade barriers and promoting intra-African trade, the African Continental Free Trade Area aims to ease trade and strengthen food security across Africa,” he said.

Three individuals who have made great contributions towards FetAfrik and the promotion of our African heritage were also rewarded. Achille Kwame Luc and Wale Isijola, who have both passed away and Danny Dufrenne who was present at the ceremony.

Institutions that have partnered with the FetAfrik organising committee were also presented with a token of appreciation.

Invitees at the ceremony had the chance to view the Out of Africa exhibition showcasing memories of our African heritage.

Well-known poets Tony ‘Raspyek’ Joubert and Stephanie Joubert recited a poem entitled Rise up Africa, while the Mahé Chamber Choir entertain guests with two African songs. The evening ended with a moutya.

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