
Message by Acting Director of the Seychelles National Archives Terry Nibourette on the occasion of International Archives Day, June 9, 2022

Message by Acting Director of the Seychelles National Archives Terry Nibourette on the occasion of International Archives Day, June 9, 2022

The International Archives Day celebrated on June 9 each year across the world, is the day set aside to recognise the importance of such a valuable institution in our community and educate the people on why it is imperative to have such an institution.

This year’s theme for the International Archives day is #ArchivesAreYou. This theme was first launched as part of the third International Council on Archives’ social media campaign leading up to the International Archives Week 2022, with the goal of inviting archival and records management professionals and organizations to join in a virtual conversation about what it means to be an archivist and what archival records truly reflect: stories.

The National Archives constitute a cultural heritage and a leading source of information. The archival heritage is an important testimony to the economic, political, social and cultural development of our people. By documenting and preserving of the account of activities and decisions, our archives ensure both the continuity of the organisations and the justification of their rights, as well as those of the individual and community. Archives which constitute the memory of a nation are therefore unique and irreplaceable heritage passed on from generations to generations. They play an essential role in the development of societies by safeguarding and contributing to individual and community’s memory. Opening access to archives therefore enriches our knowledge of human society, promotes democracy, protects citizens’ rights and enhances the quality of life.

The theme #ArchivesAreYou is attempting to impress upon us the fact that the archival records placed under our guardianship are actually human stories. It tells the journey a nation and its people has taken and although many might not see its importance, it actually is their stories as well hence the need to know it.

If there is one thing the Pandemic has taught us, is the need to be innovative and Archives are no exception. Virtual interaction has become the new normal and even Archives around the world has joined the new trend. This year’s theme wants to emphasize the virtual interaction of the different archivists, records management professionals as well as other interested parties to join in the virtual conversation so as to share ideas, innovations and advise to ultimately enhance the quality of our Archives and our service delivery.

I urge each and every one today to reflect on the importance of the archives and to find time to visit and appreciate the memory of our nation, something each of us should make an effort to know.

I wish you all a Happy Archives Day 2022!

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